Friday, May 20, 2011

Mattie Stepanek – Saint of Peace and Poetry

We often think of Mattie Stepanek. His Heartsongs form an everlasting connection of peace and poetry in the Music of Our Heart.
My wife and I simply adore him. We’re so blessed to know of him through Oprah Winfrey. We smile and marvel at the generosity of their loving friendship.
Mattie is a constant inspiration as a Saint of Peace who had such an eloquent way of expressing his Heartsongs, his poems and sayings of heartfelt truth for others.
Mattie especially comes to mind today as we are on the eve of Oprah‘s final shows and today Oprah paid loving tribute to Mattie as her source of inspiration and light.
Mattie was a confirmed and committed Catholic who not only shared his faith, but also lived it each day. Most recently, a committee has been formed to explore initiating a “cause of canonization” for Mattie, so that his heroic virtues might be formally recognized by the Catholic Church.
As fellow Catholics we are reassured by the conviction of Mattie’s faith and messages. As a member of the Knights of Columbus I will be looking into how our organization can help with Mattie’s Canonization. Saint Mattie J.T. Stepanek feels so right :)
We are fortunate to have a Matthew in our lives, in our loving son, Matthew David Jennings. So we smile extra strong for the Matties. :)
We send out to Mattie and his loving Mother, Jeni and to their wonderful friend Oprah our deepest gratitude for your loving hearts of peace and faith!

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