Sunday, October 4, 2015

Prayer for Life and Louisville Respect Life Events

Prayer for Life
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Guadalupe, we turn to you as the protectress of unborn children, and ask that you intercede for us, so that we may more firmly resolve to join you in protecting all human life. Let our prayers be united to your perpetual motherly intercession on behalf of those whose lives are threatened, be they in the womb of their mother, on the bed of infirmity, or in the latter years of their life. May our prayers also be coupled with peaceful action, which witnesses to the goodness and dignity of all human life, so that our firmness of purpose may give courage to those who are fearful and bring light to those who are blinded by sin.

Please pray for the 224 mothers and their unborn children that entered the local abortion facility in September.

~  Calendar  ~

If your parish or pro-life organization is hosting a Respect Life event, please contact Ed Harpring @ 502-471-2154 or


Every Monday  

Respect Life Rosary

Holy Spirit Church 
3345 Lexington Rd., Louisville, Ky. 40206 
 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

October 10, 2015

 Helper's of God's Precious Infants

Cathedral of the Assumption
Mass, Benediction,
Rosary March to local abortion facility.
Fr. Patrick Dolan
7:00 am

October 13, 2015

 Little Way Pregnancy Help Center

Vision of Hope Fundraiser
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Seating begins at 6:30 pm
Call (502) 583-2151 for tickets

October 17, 2015

St.Martin's Golden Arrow Fundraiser

"A Star Spangled Evening" 
 Knights of Columbus Hall 
4801 Progress Blvd.
Doors open at 5:00 PM and dinner is served at 6:30  
Tickets 25. or 200. for table of eight.  For more info or reserve tickets call 
Emily Nolan at 550-5584..


Family Ministries,
Pro-Life, Archdiocese of Louisville
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Catholic Conference of Kentucky
Opportunities for Life
Catholic Charities Louisville

The Golden Arrow Center for Mothers and Children

is an outreach ministry which provides clothing, diapers, formula, baby food, equipment and toys along with a welcoming place to seek referrals to families in Kentuckiana who are struggling to meet the basic needs of their children from birth to age 7. 
If you can help or would like to volunteeer, please call the Center at 589-3537 or Emily Nolan at 550-5584.  

Dignity of Life 
USCCB Statement
USCCB official logo

 "We proclaim that human life is a precious gift from God; that each person who receives this gift has responsibilities toward God, self and others; and that society, through its laws and social institutions, must protect and nurture human life at every stage of its existence."    
U.S. Catholic Bishops, Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities.

Project Rachel 

Are you or a loved one experiencing pain from an abortion?  To speak confidentially to someone, contact the diocesan  "Project Rachel" ministry,

Respect Life Month - Cardinal Sean O'Malley Letter
USCCB new 
      'Every Life Is Worth Living'                                             


Cardinal O'Malley In 2015 Respect Life Month Message: 'Every Life Is Worth Living'
WASHINGTON- People discover their worth when they discover their true identity as created in God's image and called to an eternal destiny with him, said Cardinal Seán P. O'Malley, OFM Cap, Archbishop of Boston and chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), in the annual Respect Life Month statement. Catholics and all people of good will in the United States are invited to participate in Respect Life Month.

Respect Life Month, observed in October, begins the new, yearlong cycle of the Respect Life Program, which continues through the following September. It is a time dedicated by the U.S. bishops for the Church nationwide to bring attention to, celebrate, and work and pray for the protection of the gift of human life. The first Sunday of the month, October 4 this year, is designated as Respect Life Sunday.

The USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities publishes new materials each year on various human life issues to aid the local efforts within the Church of building a culture of life throughout the year. The theme of the 2015-16 Respect Life Program is "Every life is worth living."
"Whether it lasts for a brief moment or for a hundred years, each of our lives is a good and perfect gift," wrote Cardinal O'Malley. "At every stage and in every circumstance, we are held in existence by God's love."

Cardinal O'Malley wrote that nothing can diminish a person's God-given dignity or the worth of his or her life, only that others may fail to respect human dignity. He also noted that encountering another's suffering, while difficult, is an opportunity to embrace them with love, attention and prayer.
More information on the Respect Life Program, including resources and the full text of Cardinal O'Malley's statement, is available online:

The Dignity of Life Newsletter is published through the Archdiocese of Louisville's Family Ministries Office and is made possible through donations to the Catholic Services Appeal.

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