Thursday, November 18, 2010

AD Tom Brown Watching Bethlehem Program Grow

Bethlehem High School Athletic Director Tom Brown knows about tradition and excellence.
Brown has worked with schools and athletic teams in Kentucky for the last 37 years. His background includes positions at Nelson and Boyle County schools, Centre College, and now Bethlehem. As the AD at Bethlehem for the past three years, Brown says he loves watching the student-athletes in action.
“I like watching all of the kids have fun and enjoy success,” said Brown. “I have seen our soccer and volleyball teams have fun and become successful in their sports. Just last Friday, I watched our football team upset Crittenden County and they had such a good time that night.”
Bethlehem High School is located in the heart of Bardstown, KY, as well as in the hearts of the 289 students enrolled there.  The Sisters of Charity of Nazareth founded the school in 1819. Brown says he continues to be excited about the direction of the athletic program, as well as the school as a whole.
“We are a small, friendly school. It’s a challenge to field a lot of teams, due to our numbers as schedules for different sports cross over one another,” said Brown. “But, we do the best we can. We want to meet the needs of our students before all else.”
Bethlehem has worked on developing their facilities and space by renovating their gym floor during this most recent summer.  In addition to the new gym floor, Brown stated that the entire school has also used a new building this past year as a training facility.
“Aztec Flooring came in and did the floor on our gym over this past summer. We needed it. It’s great because our teams and gym classes can use it,” said Brown. “Also, we got a new building right next door to the school about a year ago, St. Joe Prep Hall. It’s where the entire school can use the space and work out. It’s been helpful to athletes, students and staff.”
Bethlehem High School continues to look forward to the future for their students and athletic department’s growth in the upcoming years.
“We have two main projects we are working on to renovate for the students. First, we want to air condition the gym. Secondly, we want to go from grass to turf on our athletic field outside,” said Brown. “Yet, it may take some time to get those things done.”
 As a school, Brown said that he wants the teams to be successful. Big picture, he wants to make sure the programs are family-oriented and available to all. As far as his favorite part of being the Eagles’ athletic director, Brown says he loves watching the kids grow up.
Said Brown: “I follow the athletes after sports, and I see the kids go on to be successful in school and life. And that’s what we’re all about.”

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