Tuesday, November 23, 2010

International Rosary Rally Today for Persecuted Catholics in Iraq

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

A note from a Chaldean Catholic who lives in Michigan about today's Rosary Rally...

60 Catholics were brutally murdered while attending Mass in a Catholic Church in Bagdad , Iraq . They are glorious martyrs. 

But 400,000 Catholics remain and are being persecuted for the faith. And we’re being asked to pray the Rosary to help them. 

See this impassioned email I received from an Iraqi Catholic: 

“I need help. I am Chaldean. We are Catholics from IRAQ who are persecuted for our faith. As you may have heard, the Muslim extremists bombed a Church in Baghdad , killing 2 priests and 58 believers.

“Is there anyway we can set up a rosary rally for Chaldeans? So all can join in? We need help. Please, I am begging you. I am begging you.” 

So please pray the Rosary on November 23 for persecuted Catholics in Iraq . And tell everyone you know to please join in. 

Spread news about this Rosary to your friends.

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