Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Our Bishops Have Been Busy

from Lisa Hendley, Faith & Family...

If you’ve spent any time online in Catholic circles today, it’s likely that you heard the big, historic news about the election of Archbishop Timothy Dolan to the post of President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. NC Register superhero Tim Drake has the story here, but if you really want the moment by moment scoop be sure to follow Tim on Twitter.

Archbishop Dolan’s election to this post was rather unexpected, since he won a tight election against the sitting Vice President Tucson Bishop Gerald Kicanas. At moments like this in our Church, we do well to turn to Catholic news outlets for thoughtful information on events. As a longtime listener to Archbishop Dolan’s program on The Catholic Channel, I’m excited for his leadership and am praying for him as he prepares to take on this additional level of responsibility.

In other news at this same meeting, yesterday Bishop Ronald Herzog spoke to the Bishops on the ever increasing role of social media in today’s church. Since I just returned from a trip to Washington DC where I was speaking on this very topic, I wanted to shout “Amen” when I read Bishop Herzog’s remarks. I’m not suggesting that our Bishops begin tweeting, updating Facebook, and texting non-stop. But I do echo Bishop’s Herzog’s sentiments that their staffs need to be given the tools and resources to effectively communicate their messages to their dioceses. A great example of this in action is the Archdiocese of St. Louis, where Archbishop Carlson has talented—and very faith filled—staff helping to fine tune a great social media presence. 

As a mom, I feel that one of the greatest reasons our Church and our Bishops need an ever growing awareness of these communications tools is so that they can help support parents whose children are growing up in today’s digital climate. Just in the same way I need my Church’s support in forming my sons to make good choices in other areas of their lives, I need guidance in knowing how to help them navigate an ever more complex digital world. I’m confident that with leaders like Archbishop Dolan and Bishop Herzog, we are taking a step in the right direction. Please join me in praying for these men and for our Church here in the United States.

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