Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Are you doing anything special for someone else today?

from by Rachel Balducci...

There was a knock at my door this evening. My house was quiet, my big boys and husband all at basketball practice. I had just put our toddler down for bed; the baby was fast asleep.

I opened the door to find a group of neighbors staring back at me. They were bundled up and armed with flashlights and songsheets—they were here to carol.

I greeted them and then asked if I could grab my three-year-old—he would love this (and also: I didn’t want to stand and stare alone). I ran up the stairs, got my little guy and came back to the lovely tunes of my lovely carolers.

(It is now about an hour later and I hear them across the street; they’ve made their way through the neighborhood and I suspect they are finishing up).

What I thought to myself, as I stood and watched and drank in the generous gift of this music, is that Christmas is certainly a magical time of the year. How beautiful to have these words sung to me, what a gift.

It also has me thinking about what simply wonderful thing I can do tomorrow—how can I bring to someone else a small taste of this simple kindness?

Are you doing anything special for someone else today?

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