Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our children are on loan to us from God... Are we doing what He would want us to for them to get to Heaven?

 from Catholic Exchange...

As we walked through the historical village that we frequently visit as a family I noticed, again, the small homes that used to house large families. Literally one room homes housed families of 10 or more on a regular basis. Their “stuff” consisted of blankets (or occasionally mattresses) on the floor, one or two outfits, a loom for weaving, and a few dishes for serving meals. If the kids were really lucky they might have a toy or two but mostly they just played with whatever they could find.

I thought of our home and all of our stuff. I remember when we moved into that house from a house that was about half the size and how there was so much space. I never thought we would fill it. We had five children at the time. Four more children and seven years later we have filled it. We’ve overfilled it.

Each time we are blessed with a new child neighbors ask us if we will move as if our house isn’t big enough for our family. My mom and dad grew up in the 50’s and each had several siblings. My dad tells stories of sharing a room with his three brothers, something that’s unheard of today. Four of our five girls share a bedroom (the baby will move in there when she’s a bit older) and the three boys still living at home share a room. Room sharing is just one thing that I think kids today are missing out on. Here are a few more. Feel free to add your own ideas to this list...Read more>>

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