Monday, December 20, 2010

Pro life video winner is a 17 year old Ottawa, Ontario student


Eric Jette, aged 17, of St. Joseph’s Catholic high school in Ottawa has won first place in the pro-life video competition hosted by Action Life (Ottawa). The campaign dubbed, “Giving Voice to the Voiceless,” invited submissions of original videos, which were posted on YouTube. The video challenge was open to all students - elementary and high school - in Ontario under the age of 19.

Jette’s powerful three-minute video was picked for its originality and effectiveness in communicating the cost of abortion on family relationships and young women who have had abortions. While his submission won first prize, it was a close vote.

“We were very impressed by the incredible quality of the many submissions which we received,” remarked Action Life president, Mary-Lynn McPherson who came up with the idea to run the contest. “It was difficult to pick a winner and the vote was very close. I think it sets the bar very high for future contests.”

Second prize went to Ellis Maveety, 14, of St. Francis Xavier high school in Ottawa, whose compact 76-second video reminds viewers of the substance of the pro-life message by comparing past and current conventional wars to the current war on life.

The Video Challenge’s third place prize went to the “Culture of Life” club at Lakeshore Catholic High School in Port Colborne, Ontario, which is lead by teacher, Kate Purcell. The video features images of developing unborn children set to the background of classical music.

Action Life’s Executive Director, Louise Harbour, said the board of directors is ecstatic about the potential the contest has to help spur on pro-life engagement from high school students. “Based on the enthusiasm generated by this event, the quality of the submissions we received, and considering this is only our first year for this contest, I think this is a fantastic result. We are very hopeful that such an incentive-based contest will be copied and repeated by other pro-life organizations in Canada, the U.S. and around the world.”

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