Monday, December 20, 2010

Saint of the Day • December 20 • St. Dominic of Silos

This is not the Dominic who founded the Dominican Order, but he played an important part in the birth of the Dominic who did...

Dominic, a Spanish shepherd boy, was born at the beginning of the eleventh century. He spent many hours alone with his sheep at the bottom of the Pyrenees mountains. It was there that he learned to love to pray. Soon he became a monk and a very good one. Dominic was appointed abbot of his monastery and brought about many changes for the better.

One day, however, King Garcia III of Navarre, Spain, claimed that some of the monastery's possessions were his. St. Dominic refused to give them to the king. He did not think it was right to give the king what belonged to the Church. This decision greatly angered the king. He ordered Dominic to leave his kingdom. Abbot Dominic and his monks were given a friendly welcome by another king, Ferdinand I of Castile. Ferdinand told them they could have an old monastery called St. Sebastian at Silos. This monastery was located in a lonely spot and was very run-down. But with Dominic as the abbot, it soon began to take on a new look. In fact, he made it one of the best known monasteries in all Spain. St. Dominic worked many miracles to cure all kinds of sicknesses.

Many years after his death, Dominic appeared to a wife and mother. Her name was Joan. Now she is called Blessed Joan of Aza. Dominic told her that God would send her another son. When that son was born, Joan gratefully named him Dominic. And this son became the great St. Dominic, founder of the Dominican order. We celebrate his feast on August 8. Today's saint died on December 20, 1073.

Reflection: Through times of prayer each day, Dominic discovered a lifelong relationship with God. Set aside some time-even if it's only ten minutes-to pray each morning, and be faithful to this time.

Ave Maria by the Monks of Saint Dominic of Silos Monastery in Spain

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