Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bogus reports about Mother Angelica's health

Please be advised that contrary to some recent comments on the internet there has been no change in Mother Angelica's condition. She is happy to have your prayers and is looking forward her 88th birthday next month.

The second week of January, Mother Angelica had the great pleasure of seeing some of her long-distance daughters once again! Sisters who departed from OLAM to begin new monasteries in Arizona and Texas in 2005 and 2008, returned to Hanceville for a few days.

Mother meets with her Sisters

Mother was able to hear about their most recent adventures (to which she could certainly relate!) and the arduous labor these Sisters have undertaken. They have been hard at work to establish what is so dear to Mother – a new home for Our Eucharistic King! Needless to say, it was a real treat for Mother to be able to enjoy a cup of tea in the company of 'old friends' and beloved daughters. !

From The Sisters at Our Lady of the Angels Monastery on March 23, 2011

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