The theme of this year's Week of Prayer for Christian Prayer is "Has Christ been divided?" Our scripture verse is 1 Corinthians 1:1-17.
There's a story about Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson on a camping trip. After sharing a good meal, they retire to their tent for the night. At about 3 AM, Holmes nudges Watson and asks, ‘Watson, look up into the sky and tell me what you see?’
had established the church in Corinth, and then he moved on to
another location to start another church. He left behind some
leaders that would give direction to this new little faith community.
church of Corinth was so small that it was probably meeting in
private houses.Paul heard that there were problems with the church in
has been reported to me about you that there are quarles among you. I
mean that each of you is saying, “I belong to Paul, “ or “I
belong to Apollos,” or “I belong to Cephas,” or “I belong to
Christ.” Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you?”
of Paul's letters have a thanksgiving in the opening, not this one,
Paul's really upset. Despite his efforts to establish a faith
community united in Christ Jesus. The people have started to divide
themselves –just as they have seen people do in the society around
were divided into those who were educated needing to feel superior to
those who were not. Divided into those who had political power over
those who had none. Divided into those who were from prominent
families and those who were nobodies. Their society wasn't much
different than ours in that regard.
might listen to these words of Paul and think “This doesn’t apply
to me in my life." But in the reading today, Paul starts to
talk about the relationship that we're to have with God because of
Jesus– and this does make a big difference in our lives.
Paul’s times and in our times, we admire people who are rich and
famous. We admire those who are educated and popular. It can
sometimes seem as though these are the sort of people who are
especially blest by God. We
also live in a society that believes that we can buy happiness, earn
favors and that there is no such thing as a free lunch.
For those
who think this way, Paul points out that there is no one among us
that is particularly loved by God because they are smart, well born
or powerful. People find these things valuable – God doesn't.
prove this we have the example of Jesus. If God wanted to impress a
lot of people and to get their attention he should have chosen
someone who was powerful and wealthy and respectable – not Jesus.
was respectable to some Jews and scandalous to others. Sometimes
great crowds followed him, but at his worst moment – he was
abandoned. He was a traveling rabbi. He had no significant power.
Religious authorities questioned him all the time. Jesus had no
wealth. He was supported by wealthy women, but had none of his own.
challenges the Corinthians and us to remember that the values of
their society and our's are not whatGod values. God's not impressed
by the rich and famous.He's not persuaded by the powerful or the
there are distinctions made in ways that separate people into have’s
and have not’s, us versus them, or into whatever the distinction.
Paul points out these divisions cannot be of God.
a person makes a distinction that breaks unity. That means that
someone has seen a need to divide. So as to claim that one person is
better than the other, or the other person needs to change to see
things MY way.
our differences we can still be united in love, respect and
hospitality. Sometimes we won't do a good enough job. There will be
misunderstanding and hurt feelings because the effort for unity is
more difficult than the ease we have in making divisions.
same principal is important within families. How tragic it is when
families are divided because of arguments or disagreements. How
easily it is to harbor a grudge remain bitter and angry for months
and even years. Is unity more valuable than pride? Is unity more
valuable than having to be right?
it's hard to realize a basic truth. That Paul points out to the
Galatians and us. We're all sons and daughters of God. We've all been
baptized into Christ Jesus.
was for all of us – despite whatever divisions that exist among us
– it was for us that Jesus came to us in human flesh to be an
example of God’s wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and
of this unites us. Our unity is in the Christ that unites us in one
love. We come here today, united before this altar.
Together, with all of our different background and experiences, we
are able to be united in Christ.
in our songs of praise, united in our request for forgiveness, united
in our memory of the great sacrifice made for us, united in our
desire to leave this sacred place united in the one love of our one
God and Father.
Praise be to God!
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